
Meet Jessica Chianne

I grew up in a small city right outside of New York. I am a true lover of the country life, animals, nature and family. Although, I must warn you, I am a pretty intense adrenaline junky! I love extreme sports and fitness just as much as I love a quiet, relaxing, sunny day on the beach.

Currently I live in the suburbs of New Jersey, about an hour from New York. I grew up idolizing Audrey Hepburn, who later in life inspired me to follow my fiery heart and passion in the fine and performing arts. I have been acting, dancing and modeling since I was a child. However, acting is my one and only true love.

I believe in everything messy… the hair, the bed, the words, the heart. Life. That is the beauty of art. That is the authenticity we all do our best to conceal and mask because it is not perfect. I do my best to bring that authenticity to life in every path I cross, unapologetically.